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A Date At Centrico Plaza
Release date | Sept. 17, 2016 |
Duration | 2:47 |
Source material | Final Fantasy 6 (SNES) - "Kids Run Through The City" commissioned by Matthew Lim. |
This is a straight acoustic cover of "Kids Run Through The City" from the soundtrack of Final Fantasy 6 (SNES), originally composed by Nobuo Uematsu. It was commissionned by Matthew Lim.
Here's a little message he left for you guys :
This is my first commission to our celebrated artist CHM.
This was supposed to be a simple tune for a modern town RPG setting, and it evolved into something else. I conceived the idea one year back with CHM, but shelved it due to financial constraints. When I finally got back to him to work on the project this month, he finished the piece faster than the FFVII's Highwind. Man, did he produce a romantic ballad!
I conceived the title when it was being remastered. At the time I was writing a Pokemon Fanfic so it was a way to relate it to my ongoing work. I happened to be researching the Kalos region, and I found that Lumoise City fits the song well.
Pokemon fans would notice the name and its significance from the get-go: Centrino Plaza is the City's centre and in its middle is the landmark Prism Tower/Lumoise Gym. With such a beautiful landmark, you cannot ask for a better place to go dating.
Important : unless expressed otherwise, this work is based on music originally written by other people, and therefore I claim absolutely NO copyright on it. The original composers are listed in this file's audio tags. This work is only a tribute made by a fan, for other fans. Share it for free.