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Dual Storm
Release date | March 1, 2005 |
Duration | 3:44 |
Source material | Thunder Force III (Sega Genesis) - "Ellis", "Haides", "Gargoyle", and game over themes, a collaboration with Marcos "Braincells" Pascoli |
This a metal arrangement made by the Brazilian guitarist Braincells, and myself, together in a collaboration. It covers three great themes from Thunder Force III on Sega Genesis, namely the Eris and Hades planets themes, as well as the speedy Hydra Gargoyle boss theme, before ending with the Game Over tune. The soundtrack from that game was originally composed by Toshiharu Yamanishi, Ohtani Tomomi and Arai Naosuke.
Imagine a friend of yours wants to show you a Video Game song remade by a French Punk Rocker and a Brazilian Metal Head... To get it worst they've never seen each other and made it all on the internet. Would you want to hear it at all ?? This was the funniest project I've made part in this community. I hope you guys have at least half the fun we had while doing it on your listen !
- Marcos "BrainCells" Pascoli, March 1st 2005
Important : unless expressed otherwise, this work is based on music originally written by other people, and therefore I claim absolutely NO copyright on it. The original composers are listed in this file's audio tags. This work is only a tribute made by a fan, for other fans. Share it for free.