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StarFox Forever
Release date | Jan. 3, 2006 |
Duration | 2:40 |
Source material | StarFox (SNES) - Corneria |
This is a rock song I've produced, covering the theme from the Corneria planet level in StarFox (SNES), which was originally written by Hajime Hirasawa. The guitar arrangement was inspired by Madd Murdock's take on the theme, in the nineties. My version also features sound effects and voices taken from StarFox 64 (N64). All instruments are played and recorded by me, except the drums that I programmed and rendered with Natural Studio Kit 7 and other free SF2 soundfonts.
(Stupid) lyrics :
Out for the scramble
Surrounded by the ennemy
You will never surrender
Dive into the battle, into your life
Andross he's going to kick your ass
Before the fall
Before the decline
Before the rise of the Empire
Take off, Starfox
Blaze the horizon
Rip the sky up
And bring your wings always higher always faster
Make the sun break again through the clouds
Shove a missile up Androsse's ass
Go show us the way
To this place we call home
And fucking change the whole course of History
Forever be Starfox
Important : unless expressed otherwise, this work is based on music originally written by other people, and therefore I claim absolutely NO copyright on it. The original composers are listed in this file's audio tags. This work is only a tribute made by a fan, for other fans. Share it for free.